Borg Quotes

Borg quotes
The Borg have become a symbol in popular culture for any juggernaut against which "resistance is futile", a common phrase uttered by the Borg.
Why do they call it a Borg?
“Borg” is a shortened form of the word cyborg, itself short for “cybernetic organism.”
Was the Borg Queen human?
Role and personality Her face and upper torso were organic while the rest of her body, including her skull and spinal cord, were synthetic. Because of her disembodiment she saw herself as the epitome of perfection.
Do the Borg assimilate animals?
Canonically, no. At no point in the Star Trek TV (prime) series did the Borg show interest in assimilating anything except humanoid species, with the exception of the Kazon, who were deemed unremarkable.
Are Borgs immortal?
In Star Trek: Voyager, Seven of Nine, a former Borg, tells us, “When a drone is damaged beyond repair, it is discarded. But its memories continue to exist in the collective consciousness. To use a human term, the Borg are immortal.”
Why are the Borg so powerful?
Self-regenerating metals and alloys used in all Borg technology causing all Borg technology to be very robust and difficult to destroy and/or overcome. Adaptability allowing vessels and drones to become immune to weapons.
What is a Borg slang?
Borg (plural Borgs or Borg) (slang) One who proselytises or assimilates. quotations ▼
Are there female Borg?
There are indeed female Borg beings in the Star Trek saga. Two of the most famous female Borgs are…… The Borg Queen who was the main villain of Star Trek: First Contact and showed up later on in seasons of Star Trek: Voyager up until the series finale.
Do the Borg still exist?
In Star Trek's past there are Borg alive in 20th and 21st centuries, but they're not anywhere near Earth. Now the existence of Jurati's new time-traveling Borg Queen seems to imply there are two Borg Queens alive in 2024.
Why are there two Borg queens?
Only one Queen exists at any given time; when she is destroyed, a new Queen takes her place. In Star Trek: Voyager, it's revealed that the Borg Queen isn't a singular entity, but the name given to any that serves as its host, possessing all previous Queen's collective consciousness.
How do Borg reproduce?
On Star Trek: Voyager, it was revealed that the Borg do not reproduce at all. Instead, they assimilate other species and place the youth into what was called a "Borg Maturation Chamber," a device used to accelerate the aging of the subject and make them into Drones.
How many Borg Queens exist?
She also represents a paradox: A single person speaking for an entire hivemind collective. Played first by Alice Krige, there are now three Borg Queens in total. Susanna Thompson took on the role in several episodes of Voyager; and in Picard Season 2, another Borg Queen will be played by Annie Wersching.
What species Cannot be assimilated by the Borg?
Star Trek: Voyager The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it. In fact, 8472 is one of the few species so advanced that its ships are able to destroy Borg cubes in seconds.
Will the Borg ever be defeated?
The crew of the Enterprise-D eventually managed to sever Locutus from the Borg Collective, save Picard, and ultimately defeat the Borg.
How long does a Borg live?
It might depend on the species of the drone, but probably at least 200 years if not more, maybe even 500 years, even for humans, because of all the regeneration, technology, nanoprobes, and shared energy. Drones can even be reanimated after being frozen for 100 years in the arctic, or dead in space.
What is the Borg original species?
Origin: Delta Quadrant. A cybernetic life-form thousands of years old which is part organic, part artificial life. They have advanced well beyond Federation science, unknown prior to a confrontation with the U.S.S.
What do the Borg want?
The principal philosophy of the Borg Collective was a drive towards achieving a state of "perfection" for themselves and, in their view, all life. The Borg achieved their "perfection" in several ways, all of which assimilated the individual into the greater hive mind of the collective.
How did 7 of 9 leave the Borg?
Following this, she was a Borg drone and assimilated individuals from a number of species, including a crew member from the USS Melbourne at the Battle of Wolf 359 on Stardate 43989.1. Two years later, Seven of Nine, along with three other drones, crashed on a planet and they were separated from the Borg Collective.
Who is stronger Borg or Dominion?
Not Even possible even with all their kamikaze sacrifices, the borg would still prevail. The only way the Dominion would win would lie in the ability of the founders to infiltrate the borg collective and effect change. If they could not successfully do this, their resistance would be futile.
Who is the most powerful race in Star Trek?
Klingon. The Klingon Empire is one of the most powerful bodies in the Star Trek universe. The warrior species has a culture entirely based on combat and trial, with a caste-like system that divides them by their different rank.
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