Sailor Moon Quotes

Sailor moon quotes
Even if we're reborn in another life, we'll find each other, and then we'll fall in love again."
What does Sailor Moon say before she fights?
In the name of the Moon, I'll punish you! I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and Justice! I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of Moon I'll punish you!
What is Sailor Mars's catchphrase?
She makes this change by raising a special device (pen, bracelet, wand, or crystal) into the air and shouting a special phrase, originally "Mars Power, Make-up!" As she becomes more powerful and obtains new transformation devices, this phrase changes to evoke Mars Star, Planet, or Crystal Power.
What does Sailor Moon say when she transforms?
"Moon Prism Power, Make Up" is the 1st command that Usagi Tsukino used to transform into Sailor Moon. It is her 1st transformation phrase in the manga, anime, and Crystal while it is her only one in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.
What does Sailor Moon yell?
Twinkle Yell was the phrase Super Sailor Chibi Moon would call out to summon Pegasus using the Crystal Carillon, which allowed Super Sailor Moon to perform her attack Moon Gorgeous Meditation. While "Twinkle Yell" was the name of this power, the complete phrase was "Onegai Pegasus! Minna no yume o mamotte!
What are the moon phrases?
Example: Tom was over the moon when he won the competition.
- Once in a blue moon.
- Reach for the moon / Shoot for the moon. ...
- Ask for the moon / Cry for the moon. ...
- Promise (somebody) the moon. ...
- Cast beyond the moon. ...
- Think one hung the moon. ...
- Bark at the moon / howl at the moon. ...
- Love someone to the moon and back.
Is Sailor Moon a feminist?
At first glance, Sailor Moon may seem like an unlikely feminist, with her incessant obsession with boyfriends and being beautiful. But the show's core narrative relies on female friendship — and in many episodes, it's the characters' special female bond that enables them to conquer evil.
What is Sailor Moon speech?
“I am Sailor Moon, the champion of justice! And I say. on behalf of the Moon, I shall right wrongs and triumph. over evil. And that means you!”
What are Sailor Moon fans called?
A moonie is a name for a Sailor Moon fan.
What is Sailor Jupiter catchphrase?
She transforms into a Sailor Soldier by raising a special device (pen, bracelet, wand, or crystal) into the air and shouting a special phrase, originally "Jupiter Power, Make-up!" As she becomes more powerful and obtains new transformation devices, this phrase changes to evoke Jupiter Star, Planet, or Crystal Power.
What is Sailor Uranus catchphrase?
She must first transform into a Sailor Guardian by raising her hand or a special device into the air and shouting a special phrase, originally "Uranus Planet Power, Make-up!" In the manga she eventually gains her Uranus Crystal and this phrase changes to evoke Uranus Crystal Power.
What does Sailor Uranus say?
"Uranus Planet Power, Make Up" is the 1st command used by Haruka Tenou to transform into the standard Sailor form of Sailor Uranus in the manga, and is the only one shown to be used in the anime. In the Cloverway dub like the other Inner Sailor Senshi, she says the phrase as Uranus Star Power!
What does Sailor Moon say in Japanese?
Here are some examples kono area webinar yo estaba amedeo so skinny Cara toshiaki o means on behalf
Is Sailor Uranus a boy or a girl?
In Sailor Moon Crystal, the most recent anime version for the franchise, Sailor Neptune remarks that Sailor Uranus is both male and female, though the characters do most often reference Haruka as "her" in the English translation. She's the first non-binary character referenced that way in the Sailor Moon franchise.
What is Sailor Moon's power?
Powers and Abilities Various unnamed projectiles she can shoot from her hair pins. Sailor Moon Kick: Self explanatory. Sailor Moon kicks her opponent to injure them. Supersonic Waves: A somewhat involuntary attack that emitted out of Sailor Moon's odango covers when she panicked and cried.
What is Sailor Moon's strongest form?
Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power: The most powerful technique in the series, the power of all the Sailor Crystals, of the entire Cosmos (Existence) acting as one static unit.
Is Usagi a crybaby?
Usagi Tsukino is a 14-year-old middle school student who's a bit of a klutz and kind of a crybaby. As her day begins, she wakes up late, as usual, and frantically leaves the house in a hurry to make it to school on time. On her way to school, Usagi discovers a group of kids mistreating a cat.
What does Chibiusa call Usagi?
In Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie, she describes Usagi as "a klutz, a ditz, and a crybaby;" however, there are many instances where Usagi and Chibiusa show their love and concern for one another, such as when Sailor Moon breaks down crying after Mistress 9 takes Chibiusa's pure heart crystal, or when she dives off a
What are the 12 phrases of the moon?
Moon Phases in Order
- New Moon.
- Waxing Crescent Moon.
- First Quarter Moon.
- Waxing Gibbous Moon.
- Full Moon.
- Waning Gibbous Moon.
- Third Quarter Moon.
- Waning Crescent Moon.
What are good short quotes?
Short Inspirational Quotes
- “Whatever you are, be a good one.”
- “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ...
- “Act as if what you do makes a difference. ...
- “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” ...
- “Positive anything is better than negative nothing.” ...
- “Limit your 'always' and your 'nevers'.”
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