Oak Leaf Hydrangea

Oak leaf hydrangea
The oakleaf hydrangea grows to a height of 4–6' and a spread of 4–6' at maturity.
Does oakleaf hydrangea grow in shade?
Oakleaf hydrangea does best with direct morning sun and some afternoon shade, particularly in hotter climates. Too much sun can result in foliage burn.
What do oakleaf hydrangeas look like in winter?
As many summer-flowering shrubs wither and drop their leaves, oakleaf hydrangea foliage puts on a fall coat of glorious, showy color, ranging from red to purple to bronze. Technically deciduous, it holds its leaves into early winter. When they drop, the bare shrub showcases its rusty, peeling branches and stems.
Are oakleaf hydrangeas easy to grow?
All they need is well-drained soil, some water and a little bit of shade during hot summer days. Find out even more about hydrangea care in our Complete Hydrangea Guide! Oakleaf varieties are the easiest type of hydrangeas for beginners to grow.
Where is the best place to plant an oakleaf hydrangea?
Site and sunlight – In northern areas, oakleaf hydrangeas do well in full sun to light shade. In southern zones, give them sites with morning sun and protection from intense afternoon rays. Soil – Oakleaf flourishes in rich, well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
Can oakleaf hydrangeas take full sun?
Oakleaf hydrangea grows best in organically rich, well-drained soils with medium moisture. It does well in full sun to part shade, and mulch in the summer helps to keep the soil moist. The plant does need some sun to bloom, usually from mid spring to early summer.
Should I cut blooms off oakleaf hydrangea?
Oakleaf hydrangea blooms on old wood, so prune it back (although it rarely needs it) in summer just after it blossoms to avoid cutting off next year's flowers.
Should you cut back oakleaf hydrangea?
Pruning – Oakleaf hydrangea generally requires little if any pruning. Should it become necessary to shape the plant or reduce its size, prune shortly after the shrub flowers. This shrub sets flower buds in late summer for next year. In other words, it blooms on old wood.
Should I deadhead oakleaf hydrangea?
You should deadhead throughout the blooming season to keep your hydrangeas looking their beast and encourage new flower growth. However, stop deadheading hydrangea shrubs in mid to late fall, leaving any spent blooms in place.
What month do oakleaf hydrangeas bloom?
They are hardy from zone 5 to 9 and are really colorful for about nine months of the year. Although they begin green, they have colorful foliage in autumn. The blooms begin white in mid-June and slowly change to shades of pink and pale mauve before drying in autumn.
Do oakleaf hydrangeas bloom more than once?
Do oakleaf hydrangeas bloom more than once? They only bloom once, unlike hydrangea cultivars of other species such as Endless Summer hydrangea which bloom repeatedly. However, the blooms are long lasting and change from white, to red, pink and purple shades and finally brown.
Do oakleaf hydrangeas need winter protection?
Paniculata and smoothleaf hydrangeas are generally very cold hardy, as are oakleaf hydrangeas and climbing hydrangeas, so these varieties don't usually need additional winter protection.
How do I get more blooms on my oakleaf hydrangea?
Oakleaf hydrangeas produce flower buds the year before they bloom. Keep pruning to a minimum to maximize the floral display. Remove only the damaged and wayward branches each year as needed. This helps control the plant's size while encouraging it to bloom.
How far away from the house should you plant hydrangeas?
Most of the varieties in Endless Summer will reach 3-4′ wide at maturity. I would give them at last two feet away from the foundation. Or even a little more if you don't want them touching the house. Summer Crush is the most compact, so you can plant that one a little closer.
What do you pair with oakleaf hydrangeas?
Hydrangea quercifolia grows well with a variety of other companions including Heuchera villosa, Pachysandra procumbens, Itea virginica, Fothergilla major and Rhododendron flammeum.
Do oakleaf hydrangeas need a lot of water?
These deciduous shrubs should ideally grow where they get direct sunlight in the morning and shade in the afternoon. Watering: Moist soil is key for sustained success when your oakleaf hydrangeas are first taking root in your garden, but the species is drought-tolerant once established.
When should you not plant hydrangeas?
Best Time To Plant Hydrangeas Whenever possible, plant in early summer or fall. Don't plant in early spring when frosts are still possible. I've lost two leafed-out plants that were killed when a late frost hit them. Don't plant a hydrangea during the hottest part of the summer unless it can't be helped.
Do oakleaf hydrangeas bloom all summer?
Native to the southeastern part of the country, oakleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifolia) are attractive all year long. These hydrangea shrubs bloom in spring and early summer. The panicle flowers are greenish white when they are young, picking up subtle shades of pink and brown as they age.
What happens if I cut my hydrangea to the ground?
It is easy to grow these hydrangeas because they bloom every year regardless of how they are cared for or treated. They can be pruned to the ground in the fall and they will emerge in the spring with bountiful blooms. However over a period of time this drastic pruning may cause the plant to slowly weaken.
How long does it take for an oakleaf hydrangea to mature?
Plant Type: | Flowering woody shrub | Flower / Foliage Color: |
Height: | 2-12 feet, depending on cultivar | Companion Planting: |
Spread: | 2-12 feet, depending on cultivar | Uses: |
Growth Rate: | Moderate | Family: |
Time to Maturity: | 1-5 years | Genus: |
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